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Articles / Preparing for College / Your Senior Year's End & Pre-College Summer

Your Senior Year's End & Pre-College Summer

Dave Berry
Written by Dave Berry | May 15, 2014

The end is near. The end of your high school career, that is. For most of you, the end of your college process has already passed. The college admissions process can seem like a marathon. Most of you college-bound seniors have completed your marathon and are now finishing up your final high school year. Of course, life presents a number of marathons.

Your educational journey so far has been a marathon, from pre-school through this school year. Another marathon awaits: college. After college, perhaps the longest marathon of all looms. Maybe we should call it an ultra-marathon. Your life’s work is something that extends for decades and has many twists and turns. So, take a deep breath and get ready for some workouts!

My topic today is not so much about you but about those who have helped you get to the end of both your educational and college admissions marathons. I also want to discuss the summer that lies ahead and how you can make the most of it.

Here at the very end of your senior year, it’s important that you take stock of what you’ve accomplished and who has offered a helping hand. Take a look at the end of your high school career and make sure you stay on top of details.

One area that many seniors overlook is showing appreciation to teachers, counselors, and even parents for all the help they provided during the college selection and admission process. Take a moment right now to think back over all those who helped you along the way. There may have been one or two special teachers who provided the inspiration you needed to decide on a specific college field of study.

There are those teachers who wrote recommendations for you. The art of writing a good recommendation is very special. If you had success getting into your first-choice college, chances are the recommendations that accompanied your application played an important role in the admissions committee’s decision to admit you.

Your college counselor may have also played an important part in your college process  success. College counselors are supposed to be part coach, part teacher, part advocate, and part friend. At some schools, counselors are extremely overloaded with students, thus making the building of a close relationship quite difficult. Sometimes, though, even under trying circumstances, students and counselors develop a special relationship that brings rewards to both the student and the counselor. Perhaps this has been your experience.


And what about Mom and Dad? Sometimes parents don’t know a lot about the college selection and admission process, but they give you plenty of support. High schoolers frequently overlook all the little things parents contribute to the college process such as helping with application preparation, traveling to prospective colleges, discussing your feelings and aspirations, and so forth. So what should you do?

Showing your appreciation in some way is an excellent gesture. Send a thank-you note to the teachers and your counselor. As for your parents, perhaps you could take them out for lunch or wash the family car. The important thing is to make sure that these folks know that you appreciate what they’ve done. Saying thanks for a job well done is something you’ll never regret.

So now, what about your pre-college summer? Thinking about hanging at the mall with your friends? Anticipating sending 300 text messages every day? Just what — exactly — is on your to-do list for summer?

Maybe you haven’t really thought about what to do this summer between high school and college. If you haven’t, I have some suggestions for you. The important thing is not to waste this summer. You can still do most of the things you have fantasized about (the mall, texting, Facebook, etc.) — in moderation — while you do some constructivethings. Okay, what are those “constructive” things?

Well, I did some research for you. Some of the most practical advice I found about pre-college summers comes from an older article by Jeremy Hyman and Lynn Jacobs, writing in the U.S. News education section. Their advice is still right on the mark today. Here are a few of their 15 Good Things to Do the Summer Before College that will “position yourself well for classes in the fall.”

1. Go to orientation. If you’re just starting out at college, get to the first orientation session you can. Not only does the school give you key information about where things are on campus, you get to pick courses which, come Labor Day, will be “wait-listed.” And while you’re at orientation, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check out the dorm and eating facilities, so you’ll know what you’re up against.

3. Friend your roommate. Initiate contact by E-mail, Facebook, or Skype. You might find your roommate and you share lots of interests and, in any case, you can set dorm “ground rules” about visitors, quiet/noise, and lights out.

5. Improve your mind. Pick a book you’ve been meaning to read and read it. Before you hit the pack of required readings, it’s nice to reconnect with the love of learning for its own sake.

7. Get wired. If you don’t have a notebook, netbook, or tablet, now would be a great time to get one. Retailers have specials every week, and you don’t want to be the only one at college unable to take notes, do research, and social network electronically.

10. Make a deal with your parents. Now’s the time to avert any future conflicts about how often you’ll be coming home, and how often you want to hear from your folks while you’re at school. Make sure you’re on the same page on these issues; it will save a lot of grief later.

13. Get yourself checked up. Along with your wheels, your body might need a tune-up. So, get to your doctor and make sure everything is in order before you head out. It’s a good idea, too, to have any prescriptions refilled. While colleges usually have health services on campus, they vary in quality. And you’ll feel more comfortable talking to a doctor you already know.

These points, and the remaining nine, offer solid advice. By the way, are you thinking about a summer college program? This College View article poses  some questions to ask yourself. Here are three of them:

• How much of the summer do you want to commit to school? Programs can range from five days to eight weeks.

• Where do you want to stay? Do you want a residential program where you live in dorms with other students, or would you prefer to live at home, attending school only during the day?

• How much can you spend on summer school? If the answer is nothing, are free programs available in your state or school district?


So, seniors, summer and college loom. Be sure to end your senior year on a positive note by making sure that you’ve covered all the bases. Thank those who have helped you attain your college goals and give some serious thought to how the upcoming summer can become a contributing component of a strong transition to college. It will be good training for that next marathon!


Be sure to check out all my admissions-related articles on College Confidential.


Written by

Dave Berry

Dave Berry

Dave is co-founder of College Confidential and College Karma Consulting, co-author of America's Elite Colleges: The Smart Buyer's Guide to the Ivy League and Other Top Schools, and has over 30 years of experience helping high schoolers gain admission to Ivy League and other ultra-selective schools. He is an expert in the areas application strategies, stats evaluation, college matching, student profile marketing, essays, personality and temperament assessments and web-based admissions counseling. Dave is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and has won national awards for his writing on higher education issues, marketing campaigns and communications programs. He brings this expertise to the discipline of college admissions and his role as a student advocate. His College Quest newspaper page won the Newspaper Association of America's Program Excellence Award, the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publisher's Association Newspapers in Education Award, the Thomson Newspapers President's Award for Marketing Excellence and the Inland Press Association-University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Mass Communications Inland Innovation Award for the Best New Page. His pioneering journalism program for teenagers, PRO-TEENS, also received national media attention. In addition, Dave won the Newspaper Association of America's Program Excellence Award for Celebrate Diversity!, a program teaching junior high school students about issues of tolerance. His College Knowledge question-and-answer columns have been published in newspapers throughout the United States. Dave loves Corvettes, classical music, computers, and miniature dachshunds. He and his wife Sharon have a daughter, son and four grandchildren.

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