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Articles / Preparing for College / Advanced ACT Math: Multiplying Matrices

Advanced ACT Math: Multiplying Matrices

Rob Franek
Written by Rob Franek | Nov. 24, 2020
Advanced ACT Math: Multiplying Matrices


According to students, matrix problems on the ACT are a major source of dread. And of those, multiplying matrices is the worst. Not only are they an advanced math topic, but they rarely show up more than once per test. This means that a lot of students may not get enough exposure through practice tests to adequately prepare. Now, if you're simply aiming to boost your score, you may want to focus on a more fundamental topic that'll have more questions, such as algebra or geometry. But if you're aiming for a top score, just make sure you follow these steps in order, and your matrix multiplication woes will turn into some free points.

Written by

Rob Franek

Rob Franek

College Admissions and Test Prep Expert

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